Imagine waking up and not having a clue who you are and where you are? You have never seen the place you’re in, you can’t remember whether you have ever spoken or what everything around you is all about. That’s the beginning of my story.
I remember opening my eyes and feeling a sense of warmth tingling through my body. I didn’t know whether I was coming or going but I knew something had happened. I took a deep breath in and slowly sat up to take a look at what was around me. In my heart and mind I could feel something greater than me at work. It was when I saw Him that I knew that I had an assignment and it was mission critical.
My name is Adam, some would call me the guy who messed it up for everyone. I was created on what I have come to learn was day 7 of earths existence. I was the only one in this garden I later learnt was called Eden and was told by our Father to rule and take care of this place. As part of that assignment came the responsibility to name every animal in the garden. That was part of my job description and something I passionately enjoyed because I got to tap into my creative side when coming up with names for things around me. With each day came the responsibility I’m sure all you fellow cavemen have come to understand is a part of us, and that’s work.
Dad gave me the knowledge to work and the ability to do so. I knew this was a part of who I was and what made me want it more was simply because it pleased Him. I remember Dad expressing His love for me and Him taking walks with me through Eden in what was the most intimate part of my life. We would talk about many things including the very reason He created me. As we talked I remember Him saying to me
“You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”” - Genesis 2:16-17 NIV
I understood and never paid it any mind because I had to mind the business God had given me to look after for him.
One day things changed. I fell asleep and when I woke up there she was. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and knew that she was the one for me. I think Dad had everything to do with it. After naming all the creatures in Eden, I finally had mine and I called her woman.
So things are going great right? Yes but then came what changed things for all of us cavemen, my silence. I was there when the serpent started talking to her and never said a word. I was there when he tricked her into eating the fruit. Instead of running to Dad while this happened I chose to eat the fruit I was not supposed to. That’s when my mission changed direction and shifted life as you know it today.
Dear Caveman
In our lives we encounter many challenges. From the day we are born we are at arms in our attempts to understand what manhood is and how we can live up to the assignment. Adam is the guy who had it all and for the very reason we learn from his story we see how easy it was to lose such a beautiful thing. Have you ever lost something so important in your life because you kept silent? Have you ever complicated your life unnecessarily because you decided to hush? Have you been instructed by God to do something and decided to give up because you weren’t confident enough to step up and speak up about your calling? I have! And yes that applies to all the questions.
Here’s the thing Caveman. You are created by God because He wants you here. He created it all and blessed you through Adam to rule even with the mistake he made by eating the fruit. The story of Adam is only the beginning of a love story of Maker chasing after creation and saying, in not so many words, choose me because you are mine and I love you.
The love story leads back to you reading this in “The Cave.” What’s important is that you understand and apply love back to God because He has chosen you. I wish Adam hadn’t kept quiet or reprimanded both the serpent and woman and not partaken in the fruit because that would have stopped the great deception. But I’m thankful that God didn’t give up on Adam and ultimately us. This brings us to how to apply Adam’s story to our lives.
Caveman, God created you in His image and likeness so own it with confidence and humility.
Caveman, God created you to work and look after the Eden he gives you responsibility over. This could be the job you have, parenting your children, or mentoring those around you.
Caveman, God gave you an instruction for the Assignment He handed you. Your assignment could be the job you hold, or the wife and family you are fortunate to lead
Caveman, God gave boundaries in the form or rules and responsibilities to your assignment. Your family needs you present and active in their lives so you can share God’s instructions with them. But before you can give instructions remember how important it is to have a relationship with God himself.
Caveman, God expects you to check with Him when something seems off in terms of His rules and how they apply to you and those in your responsibility.
Caveman, nothing should take the place of God’s instruction as it pertains to why you were created. God’s direction first and everything else in the order of priority God gives.
Caveman, passing the blame will never take away from the simple fact that what’s your responsibility is yours to answer for. Don’t be silent stand up and take responsibility.
Too often I have been silent over things in my domain of influence that have led people astray and I’ve decided that I must stop. God gave me, God gave you the authority to speak against any evil that stands to confuse the Assignment you’ve been given. Your presence is important and your assignment is critical. Why? Because when God made Adam He chose him and gave him the keys to His heart and now He’s chasing after us asking us to choose Him.
He is as I am Caveman
Story Inspired by Genesis 1:26 - 3:24